Welcome, dear readers, to the Etheralius Ocularium! This tome is a compendium of all of the combined knowledge of each and every member of the Oculus Research Group across all eras, dimensions, and timelines, as well as the official home of the webcomic "Descendants of Ether". We aim to offer a 100% historically accurate account of all of the events that took place prior to our present day, and back these findings through science, research, and in extreme cases, time travel. While updates may be somewhat infrequent, this compendium will be brought up to date once new information has been deemed worthy enough to be shared with the general populus. We thank you for your patience and understanding. And without further ado, we hope you enjoy the Etheralius Oculuarium! For Clarity Across All Timelines - The Oculus Research Group Main Menu